Shoutcast & Icecast Statistics - Webradiostats

Shoutcast / Icecast Web Radio Statistics
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Shoutcast & Icecast Statistics from Webradiostats are a very powerfull tool . Since 2006 we provide Provider independent statistics for webradios.

In simple words you will never lose again your web radio statistics when you change stream provider as we act like google analytics, storing your audience data into our databases . We never use shoutcast or icecast log files  – we have not a log parser .  Advertising companies love our solution as it is independent and they can have access to your stats (if you want) anytime .

Radio Owners can have a clear picture of listeners not only in real time but and for the past using historical stats.  The filters can give you a picture per day , week , month etc or a specific  day/time to check the audience of a specific radio show .
Our Solutions cover almost all platforms , Windows, IOS, Android and Web based . You can find all the details in our product specific pages…
Shoutcast Compatible
Icecast Compatible
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