Contact / Support - Webradiostats

Shoutcast / Icecast Web Radio Statistics
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License Information
License of this product is for one PC . The one you will use during the activation procedure . In case you need this product in more that one PC you need one license for each .

The first time you execute the RadioStats.exe file a registration form appears . You must fill all details and use the License number (license key) we send you via Email . This is a unique key for you and that windows pc only. In case in the future you what to change the installation pc or do a format you need to contact us to reset the key . You can see and change registration info via “Review registration Info“ Button located in info tab.

My stream Provider has cluster system. Can i use Webradiostats ?
In case of cluster system (icecast or shoutcast ) is better to contacts us first . If yoyr provider merge all listeners from all server into one xml  you can use our services and applications .

I use one server and 3 relays (re-broadcast). Will i see all listeners from all streams on my stats page ?
The Statistics of these streams are merged in one single statistics page.

What king off data do you need from me in order to activate the service  ?
Your Radioname and your email.  After we activate your account you need to setup your stream. So , some details here is needed like… IP, Port, SID/Mountpoint, administrator username and password of your stream

Will i lose any statistics - already collected - if i change streaming provider ?
NO! Our service is independent of your streaming provider. You may change streaming providers as often as you wish. As long as you update the configuration file, you will not lose any statistics. We have designed our service so that you never feel bound by the statistics offered by any streaming hosting company.

The collection of data is done by using  shoutcast/icecast log file ?
NO! Data collection is done real time and it is stored in a database we create specifically for you.

I have registered my radio to webradiostats app and all tables (24hours, 7days etc) show the same data. Why ?
This is expected. For the first 24 hours of the service, all tables show the same data. On the second day you will see all tables will show the same data except for the table of 24 hours. The time statistics will show the actual rates for the time they are referring, meaning the 24 hours panel will show records up to 24 hours ago, the 7 days panel up to 7 days ago, etc.

When using custom filter, the listeners in a specific week appear somewhat fewer than when adding up the listeners on each individual day within that week. Is this an error ?
Not really. This is simply how listeners are calculated. Any listener that was listening to your station before, at and after midnight, will be counted once on both days, but only once within the week. So it may appear as there are “ghost” listeners in individual days, however this is just how the statistics work.
Questions  ? Open a ticket !

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