Webradio Real time Statistics - Webradiostats

Shoutcast / Icecast Web Radio Statistics
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Webradiostats Lite Windows

Webradiostats Lite Windows  (WRS Lite Win ) is a stand alone windows application that provides Real Time listeners statistics for your Shoutcast or Icecast Streaming server with many details . You can see your stats at your desktop . Is Ideal for radio producers and usually is installed into studio pc .
If your webradio has many streams (different qualities backup streams etc) you can merge all listeners into one page , so you will have the right and complete picture of your audience .

**  You need the admin stream password for all stream you add – not the source or DJ pass ** .

  • Windows XP (SP3), Windows Vista , Windows 7 -8-10
  • Stream detais (ip, port, admin password , SID or Mount point )
  • Hostnames Lookup in Shoutcast / Icecast server must be off

About License
  • Lifetime license
  • One time fee
  • Each License is for 1 PC
  • Free updates for your version
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Number of Listeners

Listeners Countries (Geo IP)

Average Listening time

Shoutcast v1.x,
Shoutcast v2.x Support

Icecast v2.0 ,
Icecast v2.0 KH Support

Real Time listeners IP address

Sort by Country, listening time and IP

Merge listeners of many streams into one page

Multiple Radios with many Streams each

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